Sunday, September 27, 2020

Tales from childhood: Important qualities.

 Lara's father was a strange man. He did many strange things. When little Sophie saw him she had these thoughts. It was Sophie's opinion.

His new wife was a very good person. She was often used as an example to his ex-wife. Since early childhood the girls were competitors. Lara's stepmother had good qualities for a successful life.

During school years she visited sport section. Also, her grades were very good.

"Look how well she does everything!" said teachers and parents.

These words really hurt Lara's mother. So, she didn't like her. Sometime they were just neighbors. Later the girls became classmates. It only increased the competition between them.

But when Sophie and Natalie talked with Lara's stepmother, they understood several things. This young woman knew how to listen to other people. She never interrupted anyone.

The woman with wrinkles around the eyes. These lines only appeared when she was smiling and laughing. Lara's stepmother had a good sense of humor.

Little Sophie and her best friend Natalie liked her for generosity. The kind woman treated children in the yard and their friends for every holiday.

Stepmother gave gifts for her stepdaughter. On Christmas she knitted a warm sweater for Lara.

Sophie thought that maybe the husband loves his wife precisely for these qualities.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Orpheus and Eurydice.

 Orpheus (Ὀρφεύς) was a singer. His parents were Apollo and Calliope. His symbol was a lyre. Orpheus played on this musical instrument. His music was very beautiful.

When Orpheus was a young man, he took part in the campaign for the Golden Fleece. He was with Jason and the Argonauts.

Eurydice (Εὐρυδίκη) was a forest nymph or dryad. She liked music of lyre which played by Orpheus. Later they understood that loved each other. 

Orpheus and Eurydice (Ὀρφεύς καί Εὐρυδίκη) got married. They became happy. But unfortunately it didn't last long. Eurydice was bitten by a snake in the forest. She died.

Her husband Orpheus was very sad about it. He decided to return Eurydice to this world.

Orpheus went to the underworld. Eurydice's husband sailed on the river Styx. He met Cerberus (Κέρβερος), dog with three heads. Also, Orpheus played on his lyre for Hades (ᾍδης) and his wife Persephone (Περσεφόνη).

So, he was able to take Eurydice. But Orpheus shouldn't look at her. She must go behind him. They went together.

Once Orpheus broke down and looked at his wife. Eurydice was left in the underworld forever.

Orpheus had a big griefed. He died.

This legend was popular in ancient Greece. There are many paintings and statues about these characters.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Tales from childhood: Families.

 Lara was a strange child. Her behavior was unusual for other children. At the same time little Lara didn't understand many things.

Her parents had their own life. Lara saw them very rarely. Though her father lived in a neighborhood street he didn't want to know her. Or Lara's mother didn't want to see her ex-husband.

Little Lara had a friend in the yard. His name was Teddy. Teddy's parents weren't together. But his father paid attention to him. He took little Teddy to elementary school. During the weekends they went to the circus, park, and cafe. Son loved these moments with his Daddy.

Sophie was very proud that she knew the truth about her family. Mother told all her daughter.

Lara asked her grandfather again about her father.

"Where is my father? Please, tell me the truth. I don't want to believe you." she said.

Grandfather didn't say anything. He decided he blabbed very early.

"Why do other families have fathers? But our family doesn't have him?" thought little Lara.

She decided to ask it her mother.

Source of image:

большой семейный портрет

Sunday, September 6, 2020


 Sparta (Σπάρτη) was a city-state in ancient Greece. Also, Sparta had another name Lacedaemon (Λακεδαίμων) The city-state was situated in Laconia, in south Peloponnese, on the banks of the Eurotas river. 

There were their own laws, culture, architecture, military, government, society, citizens, and rules. Citizens of Sparta had rights and responsibilities.

Some aspects were different from other regions of ancient Greece. There were three groups in Sparta: the Spartans, the Helots, and the Perioeci. 

Spartan boys had military education. They started since seven years. Later adult men studied in a state system. Courage, military, discipline were important for soldiers. Spartans had their own uniform. Helmet, round shield, and sword were parts of it.

But Spartan empire was fall. Army lost the war.

Source of image:

Спартанский заряд, Полная длина иллюстрация спартанского воина в боевом платье атакующего на белом фоне. Фото реалистичная 3d модель сцены.

Source of image:

spartan fighting a persian

Source of image:

Ancient Greece - Group of Spartan women with their children

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Pandora's box.

 Pandora (Πανδώρα,) was created by Hephaestus. She was the first human woman. Hephaestus created her under the instructions of Zeus. Her name means "all-giving".

Pandora had relationships with gods and goddesses, such as: Athena, Hermes, and Aphrodite. They gave her different gifts.

Epimetheus became Pandora's husband. He was a titan. His brothers were Prometheus, Atlas, and Menoetius.

One day Pandora knew about box or jar pithos (πίθος) in a house. It was closed. But Pandora was very curious.

She opened this jar. There were death, sickness, and many other evils which appeared in the world. When Pandora closed the box just hope left there.

Pandora's box became an idiom. "Open a Pandora's box" meaning do something negative or problematic.

Many artists painted different paintings about this myth. Sculptors created statues of characters of this legend.

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The ancient Greek goddess Pandora opens a box and frees evil powers. Old mythological plot.

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mythology pandora opening a box

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pandoras box with smoke on a wooden background

Friday, September 4, 2020

Great people: Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

 Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger vicomte de Saint-Exupery was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyon, France. He was a son of Jean de Saint-Exupery and Marie de Fonscolombe. Antoine de Saint-Exupery had a brother and sisters.

Saint-Exupery became an aviator. He had an education and visited different countries.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote his famous book The Little Prince (1943). This novel became popular in children's literature and was translated to many languages.

He married Consuelo Suncin de Sandoval in 1931.

Saint-Exupery had awards for his works.

He disappeared on July 31, 1944 in Marseille, France.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Recipe of homemade cookies with sesame.


Sesame-150 g

Flour-70 g

Sugar-120 g

Butter-60 g


Baking soda-1 tea spoon

Salt-1/4 tea spoon

Fry sesame.

Mix in one bowl salt, sugar, egg, baking soda, and butter.

After add flour and make soft dough.

Add sesame and mix. 

Warm oven until 180 C (356 F). Bake during 5 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Literature. Part sixty six.

                                       "The Fisherman and His Wife" by the Brothers Grimm.

There was one upon a time a fisherman and his wife. They were living in a dirty house.

One day the fisherman found a fairy fish. It was an enchanted prince. He let this fish go.

But his wife became angry. She wanted to have a comfortable cottage. 

So, her husband visited the fairy fish again. The fisherman saw his wife in a new house.

Later she wanted to have a castle. The fisherman went to the sea and asked  the enchanted prince about a castle.

The fairy fish fulfilled this wish. Because he saw his wife in a beautiful castle.

Next day the fisherman's wife decided to become a king. She said it.

Her husband said it to a prince. So, she became a king.

One day the king saw a pope. She wanted to become a pope.

The fisherman asked the fairy fish. Husband saw his wife as a pope.

But this role was boring for the stupid woman. So, she wanted to become a lord.

The fisherman went to the seaside and saw dark clouds and worried sea. The prince sent him home.

The fisherman saw his wife in a dirty house.

This fairy tale was translated to different languages. There are many movies and cartoons about this story.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Famous people and their quotes. Part fifty one.

                                                                    Cleopatra VII.

Source of image:

Иконка портрет Клеопатры. Векторная иллюстрация

“Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent.”

“I will not be triumphed over.”

Source of information: 
